Genus Carapus


  • Gasco, F. 1870. Intorno ad un nuovo genere di pesci Bull. Assoc. Nat. Med. Napoli, April.
  • Jordan, D. S. 1917-1920. The genera of Fishes, from Linnaeus to 1920, with the accepted type of each. A contribution to the stability of scientific nomenclature. Stanford Univ. Publ., University series: 576 p. in four parts. (Part I, 1917 :1-161; part II, 1919: ix+163-284+i-xiii; part III, 1919: 285-410+i-xv; part IV, 1920: 411-576+i-xviii) (new edition, 1963—reprint, 1968).
  • Linnaeus, C. 1758. Systema Naturae, ed. X, vol. 1, 824 pp. Nantes & Pisces: pp. 230-338. (Reprint, 1956, London.).
  • Lowe, R. T. 1843. Notices of fishes newly observed or discovered in Madeira during the years 1840, 1841 and 1842. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 11: pp. 81-95.
  • Oken, L. 1817. V Kl. Fische. Isis oder Encyclopadische Zeitung, 8 (148) :1181-1183 (misprinted 1781-83).
  • Rafinesque-Schmaltz, C. S. 1810b. Indice d'ittiologia siciliana ossia catalogo metodico dei nomi latini, italiani, e siciliani dei pesci, che si rinvengono in Sicilia, 69 pp., 2 pl. (Reprint, 1967, Asher-Amsterdam.).
  • Smith, C. L.; Tyler, J. C. 1969. Observations on the commensal relationship of western Atlantic pearlfish, Carapus bermudensis, and holothurians. Copeia (1): 206-208.
  • Smith, C. L.; Tyler, J. C.; Feinberg, M. N. 1981. Population ecology and biology of the pearlfish (Carapus bermudensis) in the lagoon at Bimini, Bahamas. Bull. Mar. Sci., 31 (4): 876-902.