Genus Taractichthys


  • Linnaeus, C. 1758. Systema Naturae, ed. X, vol. 1, 824 pp. Nantes & Pisces: pp. 230-338. (Reprint, 1956, London.).
  • Lowe, R. T. 1843. Notices of fishes newly observed or discovered in Madeira during the years 1840, 1841 and 1842. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 11: pp. 81-95.
  • Mead, G. W.; Maul, G. E. 1958. Taractes asper and the systematic relationships of the Steinegeriidae and Trachyberycidae. Bull Mus. comp. Zool. Harv., 119 (6): 393-417, 7 fig., I pl.