Genus Oneirodes


  • Bertelsen, E. 1951. The ceratioid fishes, ontogeny, taxonomy, distribution and biology. Dana Rep., (39): 276 pp., 141 fig., I pl.
  • Lütken, C. F. 1871. Oneirodes eschrichtii Ltk, en ny grönlandsk Tudsefisk. Overs. K. danske Vidensk. Selsk. Forh.: pp. 56-74, fig. 1-2, pl. II.
  • Pietsch, T. W. 1974a. Osteology and relationship of ceratioid anglerfishes of the family Oneirodidae, with a review of the genus Oneirodes Lutken. Nat. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County, Sci Bull 18: 1-123, frontespiece, 116 fig., 24 tab.