Genus Sternoptyx


  • Badcock, J.; Baird, R. C. 1980. Remarks on systematics, development, and distribution of the hatchetfish genus Sternoptyx (Pisces, Stomiatoidei). Fishery Bulletin, 77 (4), 803-820.
  • Borodulina, O. D. 1977. A new species, Sternoptyx pseudodiaphana Borodulina (Sternoptychidae, Osteichthyes) from waters of the Southern hemisphere Vopr. Ikhtiol., 17: 938-941 (in Russian).
  • Borodulina, O. D. 1978. Materials on the systematics and distribution of the oceanic hatchetfishes, genera Argyropelecus and Sternoptyx (Sternoptychidae, Osteichthyes). Tr. Inst. Okeanol. AN USSR, 111: 27-59 (in Russian).
  • Haruta, C.; Kawaguchi, K. 1976. Taxonomy and geographical distribution of the genus Sternoptyx (family Sternoptychidae) from the western North Pacific Ocean. Jap. J. Ichthyol., 23: 143-152 (in Japanese, English summary).
  • Hermann, D. J. 1781. Über ein neues amerikanisches Fischgeschlecht, Sternoptyx diaphana, der durchsichtige Brust-Faltenfisch. Naturforscher, 16: 33-34.