Genus Serrivomer


  • Alcock, A. W. 1899. A descriptive catalogue of Indian Deep-sea Fishes in Ihe Indian Museum, collected by the royal Indian marine survey ship 'Investigator'. Calcutta. iii+211 p., 8 pl., 1 map.
  • Gilbert, C. H. 1905. The Deep Sea Fishes of the Hawaiian Islands. Bull. U.S. Fish Commn, 1903 [.
  • Gill, T. N.; Ryder, J. A. 1884a. Diagnosis of New Genera of Nemichthyoid Eels. Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 6, 1883 [1884]: 260-262.
  • Roule, L.; Angel, F. 1931. Observations et rectifications concernant divers poissons recueillis par S.A.S. Ie Prince Albert I de Monaco au cours des campagnes de 1911 a 1914. Bull. Inst. ocĂ©anogr., Monaco (581): 1-8.