Genus Pteromylaeus


  • Garman, S. 1913. The Plagiostomia (Sharks, Skates, and Rays). Mem. Mus. comp. Zool. Harv., 36: xiii+528 p., 77 pl.
  • Jordan, D. S. 1917-1920. The genera of Fishes, from Linnaeus to 1920, with the accepted type of each. A contribution to the stability of scientific nomenclature. Stanford Univ. Publ., University series: 576 p. in four parts. (Part I, 1917 :1-161; part II, 1919: ix+163-284+i-xiii; part III, 1919: 285-410+i-xv; part IV, 1920: 411-576+i-xviii) (new edition, 1963—reprint, 1968).
  • Jordan, D. S.; Evermann, B. W. 1896-1900. The Fishes of North and Middle America, a descriptive catalogue of the species of fish-like vertebrates found in the waters of North America, north of the isthmus of Panama. Bull. U.S. natn. Mus., (47), Part I, 1896: Ix + 1-1240; Part II, 1898: xxx + 1241-2183 ; Part III, 1898: xxiv + 2184-3136; Part IV, 1900: ci + 3137-3313, 391 pl. (958 fig.).