Sebastes marinus


  • Andriashev, A. P. 1954. Ryby severnykh morei SSSR. Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR. Moskwa-Leningrad. (English trans. 1964, Jerusalem, IPST, 617 pp., 300 fig.).
  • Chaine, J.; Duvergier, J. 1934. Recherches sur les otolithes des Poissons. Étude descriptive et comparative de la sagitta des Téléostéens. Act. Soc. linn. Bordeaux, 86 (1): 1-254, 13 fig., pl. I-XIII.
  • Cuvier, G.; Valenciennes, A. 1828-1849. Histoire naturelle des Poissons, Paris-Strasbourg, 22 vol., 11030 pp., 621 pl. (numb. 1-650).1,1828: xvi+573 pp., pl. I-VIII [author: Cuvier]; 2, 1828: xxi+490 pp., pl. 9-40 [Cuv.: pp. 1-238, pp. 249-262, pp. 387-490; Val.: pp. 238-249, pp. 262-386]; 3 April 1829: xxiii+500 pp., pl. 41-71 [Cuvier]; 4, 1829: xxvi+518 pp., pl. 72-99 [Cuvier]; 5, 1830: xxviii+499 pp., pl. 100-140 [Cuvier]; 6, 1830: xxiv+pp.559 pp., pl. 141-169 [Val.: pp. 1-425, 493-559; Cuv.: 426-491]; 7, 1831: xxix + 531 pp., pl. 170-208 [Cuv.: 1-440; Val.: pp. 441-531]; 8, 1832: xix+509 pp., pl. 209-245 [Cuv.: pp. 1-470; Val.: pp. 471-509]; 9, 1833: xxix+512 pp., pl. 246-279 [Cuv.: pp. 1-198, pp. 330-359, pp. 372-427; Val.: pp. 199-329, pp. 359-371, pp. 429-512]; 10, 1835: xxiv+482 pp., pl. 280-306 [Val.]; 11, 1836: xx+506 pp., pl. 307-343 [Val.]; 12, 1837: xxix+507 pp., pl. 344-368 [Val.]; 13, 1839: xix+505 pp., pl. 369-388 [Val.]; 14, 1840: xxii+464 pp., pl. 389-420 [Val.]; 15, 1840: xxi + 540 pp., pl. 421-455 [Val.
  • Fage, L. 1918. Shore-Fishes. Rep. Dan. oceanogr. Exped. Mediterr...., 2, Biology, (A.3): 154 pp., 114 fig., 16 maps.
  • Goode, G. B.; Bean, T. H. 1896. Oceanic ichthyology, a treatise on the deep-sea and pelagic fishes of the world, based chiefly upon the collections made by steamers Blake, Albatross and Fish Hawk in the northwestern Atlantic. Smithson. Contrib. Knowl., 30 and Spec. Bull U.S. natn. Mus., 1895 [.
  • Günther, A. 1860a. Catalogue of the Acanthopterygian fishes in the collection of the British Museum. 2. Squamipinnes, Cirrhitidae, Triglidae, Trachinidae, Polynemidae, Sphyraenidae, Trichiuridae, Scombridae, Carangidae, Xiphiidae. London, xxi+548 pp.
  • Holt, E. W. L. 1898b. Contributions to knowledge of the Plankton of the Faeroe Channel. No. 5. Report on a collection of very young fishes obtained by Dr G. H. Fowler. Proc. Zool. Soc., Lond., pp. 550-566, pl. 46-47.
  • Jenkins, J. T. 1925. The fishes of the British Isles both fresh water and salt. London: vii + 376 p., 143 pl.
  • Joubin, L. ed. 1929-1938. Faune ichthyologique de l'Atlantique nord. Cons. perm. Int. Expl. Mer, Copenhagen. Fiches faunistiques, 418 pl. (With systematic and alphabetic index by H. Blegvad, 1938.).
  • Linnaeus, C. 1758. Systema Naturae, ed. X, vol. 1, 824 pp. Nantes & Pisces: pp. 230-338. (Reprint, 1956, London.).
  • Muller, O. F. 1776. Zoologiae Danicae prodromus, seu animalium Daniae et Norvegiae indigenarum characteres, nomina, et synonyma imprimis popularium, Havniae, xxxii+282 pp.
  • Norman, J. R. 1935b. Notes on the Fishes of the Family Scorpaenidae recorded from the British Coasts, with a description of a new species (Helicolenus microphthalmus). Proc. zool. Soc. Lond.: pp. 611-614, 1 fig.
  • Poll, M. 1947. Poissons marins in Faune de Belgique. Bruxelles, 452 pp., 267 fig., 2 pl., 2 maps n. num. (inset).
  • Redeke, H. C. 1941. Fauna van Nederland. X. Pisces (Cyclostomi-Euichthyes). Leiden: 1-331, 117 fig.
  • Schroeder, G. 1956. Otolithen aus dem Lias und Dogger des Fränkischen Jura. Geol. Blätt. NO-Bayern, 6 (4) :128-153, 4 fig., pl. 5-7.
  • Scott, T. 1906. Observations on the otoliths of some teleostean fishes. 24. Rep. Fishery Bd Scotl., 1905 [.
  • Valenciennes, A. 1844. In: J. P. Gaimard. Voyage en Islande et au Groenland exécuté pendant les années 1835 et 1836 sur la Corvette 'La Recherche' commandée par M. Tréhouart Lieutenant de Vaisseau dans le but de découvrir les traces de 'La Lilloise', Paris, 1838-52. Atlas zoologique, 22 pl.
  • Wheeler, A. 1969. The Fishes of the British Isles and North-West Europe. Macmillan, London, Melbourne and Toronto: pp. i-xvii+1-163, 5+177 fig., 392 fig. (princ. sp.), 92 n. num. fig., 16 pl., maps.
  • Yarrell, W. 1836-1839. A History of British fishes, illustrated by nearly 400 wood-cuts, in two volumes, London, 1836,1: xxxvii+408 pp., 2: 472 pp., fig. n. num.; 1839, supplement: vi+48 pp., fig. (2nd ed., 1841, with suppl.; 3rd ed., 1859, additional species by J. Richardson, 1: xxxviii+675 pp., 2: 670 pp., 522 fig.).