Protomyctophum arcticum

Protomyctophum (Hierops) arcticum (Lütken, 1892)


Scopelus arcticus Lütken, 1892, Vidensk. Meddr naturh. Foren., Kbhvn, 1891(1892), 43: 207-208 (off West Greenland). Five syntypes: ZMUC no. 81, 87, 89, 93, 97.
Scopelus arcticus: Lütken, 1892: 249, fig. 6 | Holt and Byrne, 1911:12, fig. 2.
Benthosema arcticum: Goode and Bean, 1896: 87.
Myctophum (Myctophum) arcticum: Brauer, 1906: 173-174, fig. 85.
Myctophum arcticum: Tåning, 1918: 151-152, fig. 48; 1928: 52 | Parr, 1928: 57 | Tåning, 1931: pl. 111 (fig. 1) | Jensen, 1948: 102.
Electrona (Hierops) arctica: Fraser-Brunner, 1949: 1047, part., fig.
Hierops arctica: Bolin, 1959: 5.
Protomyctophum (Hierops) arcticum: Andriashev, 1962: 226.
Protomyctophum arcticum: Bekker, 1967a: 90, fig. 2.

Common names:
