Kyphosus sectator


name chopa amarilla
name bermuda sea chub
name calicagere blanche
Alternative name yellow chub
Alternative name chopa blanca
Valid name Kyphosus sectator
Synonymcalicagere blanche [France and Belgium]
Synonymbermuda sea chub [UK and USA]
SynonymCommon names:
Synonymyellow chub [UK and USA]
SynonymPerca saltatrix Catesby, 1743, under the name Perca marina sectatrix.l
SynonymPerca sectatrix Catesby, 1743.
SynonymKyphosus sectator (Linnaeus, 1766)
SynonymPimelepterus bosquii Lacepède, 1802: 429, pl. IX (fig. l) (South Carolina).
SynonymCyphosus bosqui: Jordan, 1884: 128 (Key West, Florida).
SynonymCyphosus sectatrix: Albuquerque, 1956: 747.
SynonymKyphosus sectatrix: Briggs, 1958: 282.
SynonymPimelepterus oblongior Cuvier, in Cuv. Val., 1831, Hist. nat. Poiss., 7: 264. Type: lost.
SynonymPimelepterus incisor (nec Cuvier): Valenciennes, 1837: 47, pl. 19 (under the name of Pimelepterus boscii).
SynonymPimelepterus Bosci: Ariola, 1904, 3: 165.
SynonymKyphosus sectator: Tortonese, 1954,10: 3, fig. 3.
Synonym?Kyphosus palpebrosus Miranda Ribeiro, 1919, Arch. Mus. Rio de Janeiro, 22: 176 (Trinidade I.).
SynonymCyphosus boscii: Murray and Hjort, 1912: 614 | Metzelaar, 1919: 45 (Curaçao).
SynonymKyphosus incisor (nec Cuvier): Parr, 1927, (3): 66 | Fowler, 1944: 87.
SynonymPimelepterus bosci: Jordan and Gilbert, 1878: 378; 1882: 561.
SynonymPimelepterus Boscii var. sicula: Doderlein, 1884, 3: 83 (Sicily); 1891, 5: 234 | Vinciguerra, 1 892: 3 12.
SynonymPimelepterus boscii: Cuvier, in Cuv. Val., 1831, 7: 258, pl. 187 (Carolina) | Bean, 1880: 94 | Goode and Bean, 1882: 238.
