small-headed clingfish
lépadogastère à petitetête
Valid name
Apletodon dentatus
Synonym | lépadogastère à petitetête [France and Belgium] |
Synonym | small-headed clingfish [UK and USA] |
Synonym | Common names: |
Synonym | Apletodon dentatus dentatus Facciola, 1887 |
Synonym | Apletodon microcephalus microcephalus Brook, 1890 |
Synonym | Lepadogaster microcephalus microcephalus Brook, 1890 |
Synonym | Lepadogaster stictopteryx Holt and Byrne, 1898 |
Synonym | Lepadogaster stictopteryx Holt and Byrne, 1899, Proc. zool. Soc. London: 589. |
Synonym | Lepadogaster stictopteryx: Byrne, 1902: 102. |
Synonym | Lepadogaster microcephalus: Fage, 1935, pl. 412 (Écosse, Manche, Golfe de Gascogne, Méditerranée). |
Synonym | Apletodon microcephalus: Wheeler, 1969: 575, fig. |
Synonym | Lepadogaster microcephalus Brook, 1890, Proc. Roy. phys. Soc. Edinburgh, 10: 166 ('West coast of Scotland'). |
Synonym | Lepadogaster dentatus Facciolà, 1887, Nat. Sicil, 6: 25, pl. 3, fig. 1-2 (Sicily: Messina). Type lost. |
Synonym | Apletodon microcephalus microcephalus: see Clofnam, p. 651. Apletodon dentatus: Tortonese, 1975a: 549, fig. 235b. |