Alternative name
slender suckerfish
Valid name
Phtheirichthys lineatus
Synonym | lousefish [UK and USA] |
Synonym | Common names: |
Synonym | slender suckerfish [UK and USA] |
Synonym | Phtheirichthys lineatus Menzies, 1791 |
Synonym | Echeneis veterum: Tortonese, 1972: 2. |
Synonym | Echeneis veterum O.G. Costa, 1840, Fauna R. Napoli: 3, pl. 25 (Pozzuoli, near Naples). Type probably lost. |
Synonym | Echeneis apicalis Poey, 1860, Poissons de Cuba: 254 (Cuba). |
Synonym | Echeneis sphyraenarum Poey, 1860, Poissons de Cuba: 255. |
Synonym | Phtheirichthys lineatus: Gill, 1863: 239. |
Synonym | Echeneis lineata Menzies, 1791, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 1: 187, pl. 17 (fig. 1) (tropical Pacific Ocean). |
Synonym | Echeneis holbrooki (nec Günther, 1860): Perugia, 1897: 138 (Gulf of Genoa). |
Synonym | Echeneis tropica Euphrasen, 1791, Handl. K. Vetensk. Akad., 12: 315, 317 ('Oceano occidentali intra tropicos'). |
Synonym | Phtheirichthys multiradiatus Schultz, 1943, Bull. U.S. natn. Mus., 180: 256, pl. 9 (Canton Island). Holotype: USNM no. 11 |