bluntsnout smooth-head
Valid name
Xenodermichthys copei
Synonym | Common names: |
Synonym | bluntsnout smooth-head [UK and USA] |
Synonym | Xenodermichthys copei Gill, 1884 |
Synonym | Aleposomus cyaneus: Borodin, 1931: 61, pl. I. |
Synonym | Aleposomus socialis: Goode and Bean, 1896: 48, pl. XVI (fig. 58). |
Synonym | Xenodermichthys socialis: Geistdoerfer et al., 1971b: 1 178. |
Synonym | Aleposomus copei: Goode and Bean, 1896: 47-48, pl. XIV (fig. 51). |
Synonym | Xenodermichthys socialis Vaillant, 1886, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 103 (25): 1239, nomen nudum. |
Synonym | Aleposomus cyaneus Zugmayer, 1914, Bull. Inst. océanogr. Monaco, (288): 1 (off North Portugal, 0-3550 m). Holobpe |
Synonym | Aleposomus copei Gill, 1884 Am. Nat., 18: 433 (37°12'20"N, 69°39'W., 2949 fathoms, not given by the author). Holo |
Synonym | Xenodermichthys copei: Roule, 1915: 42-46 | Beebe, 1933: 87-91, fig. 25 | Krefft, 1966: 176. |