Valid name | Eurypharynx |
Synonym | Type: E. pelecanoides Vaillant, 1882, by monotypy. |
Synonym | Eurypharynx Vaillant, 1882 |
Synonym | Gender: M; C.R. Acad Sci. Paris, 95: 1226 |
Synonym | Megalopharynx Brauer in Chun, 1900, Schild. deutsch. Tiefsee Exped., Jena: 521 (no species name given). |
Synonym | Gastrostomus Gill and Ryder, 1884b, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 6: 271 (type: G. bairdii Gill and Ryder, by monotypy). |
Synonym | Rouleina Fowler, 1925, Am. Mus. Novit., 162: 2 (type: Ewypharynx richardi Roule, by orig. design.). |
Synonym | Macropharynx Brauer, 1902, Zool. Anz., 25: 290 (type: M. Iongicaudatus Brauer, by monotypy). |
Synonym | Rouelina Fowler, 1925, Copeia, 147: 75 (misspelling for Rouleina, preoccup.). |
Synonym | Jordanites Fowler, 1925, Copeia, 147: 75 (type: Eurypharynx richardi Roule), a substitute name for Rouleina |